Fight crime! Urumqi police recovered 2.3 million yuan in losses

Ganquanbao Economic and Technological Development Branch of Urumqi City Public Security Bureau took measures to carefully investigate and eliminate hidden dangers during the summer public security crackdown and rectification action, and comprehensively launched the summer public security crackdown campaign. On July 24, they successfully cracked a family-run case of selling counterfeit brand bearings, destroyed a criminal gang that illegally sold counterfeit registered trademark products, and arrested 5 suspects, involving a value of 2.3 million yuan.

The case originated on June 1, 2022. A company employee named Tang called the police and said that the bearings worth 510,000 yuan purchased by him on behalf of the company were suspected to be counterfeit registered trademark products, which were confirmed to be true after identification.

After receiving the alarm, the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Ganquanbao Branch took immediate action to crack down on all links involved in the case. Through meticulous investigation and evidence collection, they successfully obtained conclusive evidence of the crime committed by Ding and others. On July 24 this year, the police officially closed the net. After interrogation, five suspects confessed to the illegal sale of counterfeit brand bearings. According to the results of the investigation and interrogation, the public security police investigated and dealt with more than 7,000 counterfeit registered trademark products, and the case is currently under further investigation.
