What is a wheel hub bearing, what are the symptoms of failure and its lifespan?

What is a wheel hub bearing?

The wheel hub bearing is one of the parts that make up the chassis (suspension area) of the car. It is one of the parts that can only be seen after the brake disc is removed.

It is called a "wheel hub bearing" because it is a bearing used in a part called a "hub".

What is the role of a wheel hub bearing?

The role of the wheel hub is to connect the brake disc and the wheel and make it rotate.

The wheel hub is equipped with 4 to 5 bolts. Since they are used for the wheel hub, they are called "hub bolts", which are equipped with brake discs, wheels and spacers for custom users.

When the wheel hub rotates, the wheel hub bearing is used to rotate the outside of the shaft.

For example, the third-generation wheel hub has a groove "spline" for mounting the drive shaft. There are also splines on the drive shaft side, so by combining these along the splines, the powertrain generated by the drive force is transmitted to the wheel hub.

Finally, the drive shaft is fixed to the wheel hub with a large nut called a "hub nut". This is a very important part, for example, the tightening torque for a small car is about 240 N·m.

Types of wheel hub bearings

Wheel hub bearings (hub units) have also been developed. Although the expression varies depending on the manufacturer, the wheel hub bearings widely used in the chassis of the car can be roughly divided into three types.

Hengding hub unit means that the structure of the wheel hub bearing currently used in the car is that the hub shaft is mounted on the hub bearing. It is easy to understand when you actually look at the car, so if you plan to take the car for repair in the near future, it is best to ask for it once.

When and when to replace the wheel hub bearing?

There is no specific time to replace the wheel hub bearing according to mileage and years. Even if there is, it is difficult to draw a conclusion because it depends on the car model.

It is best to replace it before it is damaged, and for that matter, it is best to replace it when you feel the wheel hub bearing is worn.

How to identify wheel hub bearing wear

There are two main ways to tell how much you have worn. One is to jack up and turn the wheel, and the other is to move the wheel left and right while lifting.

In the method of turning the wheel, check the resistance and noise of the wheel hub bearing when the wheel turns. When it is exhausted and the performance decreases, you will hear abnormal noises and feel less resistance when turning.

In the case of the left and right wheel moving method, if the hub bearing is loose, the wheel will move forward and backward when shaking. When this happens, it is time to replace it completely. If it is driven as it is, the suspension may fall off during driving and the wheel may fall off.

Each owner may have his own exchange standard. Since it is used for commuting and business, the mileage is high every day, and the hub bearing can be replaced at each vehicle inspection.

You may feel strange noises when driving

If the hub bearing ages to a certain extent, you will hear strange noises when driving. It sounds like a rattling sound. I tend to hear it, especially when turning the steering wheel like a curve.

In the case of this abnormal noise, it is possible that the drive shaft is aging (that is, the vibrato), so if you don’t think you can hear any strange noises, jack it up and check it with the method described above.

Avoid hub bearing problems through regular maintenance

Whether the hub bearing plays its due role plays an important role in leading a safe car life.

If the wheel breaks during driving, drivers and pedestrians around are likely to be involved in an accident. Check the condition of the device regularly and replace it as soon as possible if you notice any degradation in performance.
